A Shop Drop in 23mm, Paired with X-T3 FujiFilm


Dropping by Andy's shop led me a journey through time, surrounded by the weathered brick walls of a 1920s mercantile echoing with the whispers of a bygone era. Once destined for a print press, the building now stands as a testament to Andy's dedication and craftsmanship. Amidst the hum of machines, I discovered a treasure trove of unique tools amassed over two decades of sailmaking mastery. Andy's meticulous nature was evident in every corner, from the carefully organized materials to the precise arrangement of tools. As he unraveled the secrets of his process, the space itself seemed to come alive—an incubator of creativity and inspiration. Lord Luggage was not merely a workshop; it was a timeless sanctuary where the past and present coexisted in the pursuit of crafting something extraordinary.

The link: www.lordsluggage.com

Miles Of


& A Trail Of Broken Needles

Friends of Lord Sluggage

Friends of Lord Sluggage

Friends of Lord Sluggage


Buendia Bicycles